Thursday, June 20, 2013

Working during "Mommy's Night Out"

It's so wonderful being an Independent Scentsy Family Consultant while still being a stay at home mom to my son. Life gets so crazy at home, that I take one night every week to go out with friends and have what I have begun to call "Mommy's Night Out". No matter how crazy life gets, it's wonderful to step away from the hectic home and just let loose.

What makes me feel so much less guilty on my night out is the fact that I can show off the amazing products I sell with Scentsy and Grace Adele. Anytime someone asks about my clutch, lip gloss, or perfume I'm wearing...I am sure to have business cards ready to hand out.

If you would like more information on how you too can work anywhere you go-I'd be happy to help.
Take time for yourself and stay SCENTsational Mommies!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What the PUCK is new for June

It's so amazingly easy working for a company who has such great deals like this. Scentsy never ceases to surprise me as a Consultant.
JUST ANNOUNCED: "Slapshot" Premium Full Size Warmer is 40% OFF; ONLY $21
Sale is going on now through June 28th. This is a perfect gift for those High School and College graduates who play/love Hockey or even for the Dads out there for Father's Day.

Thinking of Hosting a party in June?? Check out the Host Exclusive for June too:
And of course like every other month, Scentsy is introducing a NEW warmer & fragrance in June and offering 10% OFF introductory month too!!

To order, view ALL the products available or more info on Hosting or Joining my Team go to:
My Scentsy Website (there is a link to my Grace Adele website on the bottom of the page)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Gibson meeting "Grace Adele"

After much deliberation, I decided to expand my Scentsy business and sign up to sell Grace Adele too! I was so excited to open my starter kit box - and apparently my son, Gibson, was pretty excited to check all the new things Mommy would be selling too!
The thing I love the most about Scentsy, is that not only am I able to represent multiple brands for one great company, but most important to me - I can stay at home with my son!
Life is ALL about treasuring what you have, making the best of the gifts you have been given, and most importantly LOVE!
Love yourself!
Love your family!
Love God!
and of course LOVE all that you do!
My NEW Grace Adele website

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Before you snap, be sure to FOCUS!

Hey ALL! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I'd love to tell you just how busy I've been, but the truth is I've been feeling rather lazy lately. Today I'm focusing on regaining my motivation and getting prepared for a rocking end of April.

Being a Mom has completely changed my life. Instead of saying, "I want to do that eventually", I began to saying, "Now is the time to do what I love.".

As a parent you wake up each day wanting to show and teach your child so much, because we remember how fast the years go by. Life does get crazy though. We have ups and downs in our own personal struggles, whether it be work, financially, relationships, or even our faith. But it's what we do in those struggles that mold our child(ren) to who they will be and what they will become.

Today I want to take some time to focus on the blessings I have in life and not concentrate on struggles. I WILL look to what I CAN do to make things better, and not what I SHOULD HAVE done.
Today is also National Pay it Forward Day! No matter how small of a deed you are able to do or say, make a difference in someone else's life, and it is sure to change the world. And we ALL know how this world NEEDS more love.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Reuse your Scentsy DAY FIVE

As the week comes to an end, so does the posting of ideas on ways to reuse your empty Scentsy Layers Bath Tablets container. Today's idea has the home office or kids study area in mind. Fill up your container with markers, pens or even crayons (lit will fit back on top depending on crayon size). Great way to keep track of those always much needed writing utensils or kids coloring crayons on the go.
Get the entire family together and make it a game to see who can come up with the most ideas to re-purpose your empty Scentsy containers/product. Share your ideas and/or images with me and I'll mail you a FREE sample of May's Scent of the Month, Business Casual, before it's even available to purchase.
Email me at: using the subject "Scentsy Blogging Idea" along with your mailing address for me to send the sample to.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Little Scentsy Expert

Every time UPS brings us a white and purple box, both me and my son, Gibson, are like kids in a candy store. Ready to tear it open and check out all the new stuff and make sure it's up to our standards. Today's delivery brought us the monthly specials Scentsy is offering next month.
We BOTH are loving the upcoming May scent of the month, Business Casual! It's the masculine smell that is typically lacking in our home. My little product expert gave the okay to brag about these amazing products. Read yesterday's blog post for my contest to get a FREE sample of Business Casual sent to YOU!
Available for purchase beginning May 1st.